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Antiguo 16/10/2009, 06:04
Fecha de Ingreso: diciembre-2006
Mensajes: 384
Antigüedad: 17 años, 4 meses
Puntos: 5
Necesito ayuda con un codigo!!!


vereis estaba haciendo unos arreglos en la web hasta que sin darme cuenta salto el traductor de google y me cambio todo el codigo y claro sin darme uenta actualice y se me guardo asi.... meda muchos errores y no me entero tanto como para poder arreglarlo

El codigo es del comment.php de un wordpress... alguien podria arreglarme el codigo... si es necesario pago por paypal

el codigo erroneo es este:

<? php / / No Delete these lines 
  if ( 'comments.php' == basename ($ _SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) 
  die ( 'Please do not load the page directly. Thanks!'); 

  if (empty ($ post-> post_password)) (/ / if a password 
  if ($ _COOKIE [ 'wp-postpass_. COOKIEHASH]! = $ post-> post_password) (/ / And that do not match the cookie 

  class = "nocomments"> <p Enter password to view comments. <p> 

  <? php 

  / * This comment Fund Toggles variable * / 
  $ Oddcomment = 'alt'; 

  <! - You can start editing here. -> 

  <div id="commentblock"> 
  <? php if ( 'open' == $ post-> comment_status):? 

  <? php if ($ comments):? 
  <p id="comments"> NEWS <? php comments_number ( 'No comments', '1 comment ',' Comments %');?> for "<? php the_title (); ?>"</ b> </ p> 

  <ol class="commentlist"> 

  <? php foreach ($ comments as $ comment):? 

  <li class = "<? php echo $ oddcomment;?>" id = "comment-<? php comment_ID ()?>"> 
  <? php comment_author_link ()?> 
  <? php if ($ comment-> comment_approved == '0 '):? 
  <em> Your comment is awaiting approval. </ Em> 
  <? php endif;?> 
  <? php comment_date ( 'JS M,)? Y '> <? comment_time () in PHP?> <? edit_comment_link PHP ( 'Edit','','');?> 

  <div class="commenttext"> 
  <? comment_text () in PHP?> 
  </ Div> 

  </ Li> 

  <? php / * change every other comment to a different class * / 
  if ( 'alt' == $ oddcomment) $ oddcomment =''; 
  oddcomment else $ = 'alt'; 

  <? endforeach php / * end for each comment * /?> 

  </ Ol> 

  <? php else: / / this is displayed if no comments so far?> 

  <? php if ( 'open' == $ post-> comment_status):? 
  <! - If comments are open, but no comments. -> 

  <? php else: / / close the comments?> 
  <! - If comments are closed. -> 
  <p class="nocomments"> Comments are closed. </ P> 
  </ Div> 

  <? php endif;?> 
  <? php endif;?> 

  id = "answer"> <font face = "Tahoma" Bold ITC "COLOR =" # FF0000 "<p size="4"> Write a comment </ font> </ p> 

  <? php if (get_option ( 'comment_registration') & &! $ user_ID):? 
  You enter <p> to comment </ p> 
  <? php else:?> 

  <form action = "<? php echo get_option ( 'siteurl');?> / wp-comments-post.php" method = "post" id = "commentform"> 

  <? php if ($ user_ID):? 

  <p> logged in as <a href = "<? php echo get_option ( 'siteurl');?> / wp-admin/profile.php"> <? php echo $ user_identity;?> </ a>. <a href = "<? php echo get_option ( 'siteurl');?> / wp-login.php? action = logout" title = "Out of this account"> Logout »</ a> </ p> 

  <? php else:?> <p> <label for="author"> Name <? php if ($ req) echo "(Obligarotio )";?> </ label> <br /> 
  <input type = "text" name = "author" id = "" author "value =" <? php echo $ comment_author; size = "20"?> "size =" 40 "tabindex =" 1 "/> 
  <label <br> for = "email"> E-mail <? php if ($ req) echo "(Mandatory) will not run"?> </ label> <br /> 
  <input type = "text" name = "email" id = "email" value = "<? php echo $ comment_author_email;?>" size = "40" tabindex = "2" /> </ br> </ p> 
  <? php endif;?> 

  <!--< P> <small> <strong> XHTML: </ strong> You can use these tags: <? php echo allowed_tags ();?> </ small> </ p> -> 

  <p> <textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="50" rows="10" tabindex="4"> </ textarea> </ p> 
  <font face="Verdana" size="1"> Warning: Comments that are offensive, Xenophobe, pedophiles or related to bestiality, will be removed and if necessary will be reported to the authorities. Do not write in capital letters! </ Font> 
  <input type = "submit" name = "submit" <p> id = "submit" tabindex = "5" value = "Send Comment" /> 
  <input value type = "hidden" name = "comment_post_ID" = "<? php echo $ id ;?>"/></ p> 

  <? php do_action ( 'comment_form', $ post-> ID);?> 

  </ Form> 
  </ div> 

  <? php endif / / If registration required and not logged on?> 

  <? php endif / / If you delete this the sky will fall on your head?>