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necesito ayuda

Estas en el tema de necesito ayuda en el foro de Shared Hosting y VPS en Foros del Web. hace poko he contratado un hosting windows copetarivo en nominalia, he subido to los archivos en en el hosting y el dominio, yo se q ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 28/04/2008, 06:47
Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2008
Mensajes: 1
Antigüedad: 16 años
Puntos: 0
necesito ayuda

hace poko he contratado un hosting windows copetarivo en nominalia, he subido to los archivos en en el hosting y el dominio, yo se q este hosting ultiliza .asp
pero no me funciona el foro asp q subido y el chat lo mismo me pasa me sale este mensaje :
Response.Buffer = false ' Set to true after testing
<!--#include file="includes/dataclass.asp" -->
<!--#include file="includes/CommonFunctions.asp" -->
<!--#include file="includes/XMLFunctions.asp" -->
<!--#include file="includes/ActiveUsers.asp" -->
<!--#include file="includes/ipblock.asp" -->
If Application(strC & "sTimer") <> 0 then
sTime = GetTime()
End If

'Load XML
set oXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")
oXML.async = false
oXML.validateOnParse = true

sXML = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""ISO-8859-1""?>"

if not blServerTrans then
oXML.validateOnParse = false
oXML.resolveExternals = false

sXML = sXML & "<!DOCTYPE forum [<!ENTITY l SYSTEM ""XSLT/languages/lang_" & lang & "_def.xml"" >]>"
sXML = sXML & "<?xml-stylesheet type=""text/xsl"" href=""XSLT/" & xsltSkin & "/default.xsl"" ?>"
sXML = sXML & "<forum>&l;</forum>"
sXML = sXML & "<forum></forum>"
End If

oXML.loadxml sXML
set rNode = oXML.documentElement

if blServerTrans then
' Load Language
set lXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")
lxml.validateOnParse = true
lXML.async = false
lXML.load strApPath & "XSLT\Languages\lang_" & lang & "_def.xml"
set lNode = lXML.documentElement
rNode.appendChild lNode
set lNode = nothing
set lXML = nothing
End If

AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_title", Application(strC & "TITLE"), false
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_home_url", Application(strC & "HOMEURL"), false
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_url", Application(strC & "FORUMURL"), false
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_image", Application(strC & "IMAGE"), false

set objData = new clsDB
'Open Database Connection
if not objData.openDB then
Response.Write objData.oError.description
End If


<!--#include file="includes/session.asp" -->
<!--#include file="includes/logon.asp" -->

'Get Totals if we need them
if Application(strC & "sStats") <> 0 then
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_stats", "-1", false
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_nmembers", objData.UserCount, false
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_ntopics", objData.TopicCount, false
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_nposts", objData.PostCount, false
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_nforums", objData.ForumCount, false
set oNode = AddXMLNode (oXML, rNode, "f_lmember", server.HTMLEncode(objData.LastUser), false)
AddXMLAttrib oNode, "id", objData.LastUserID
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_stats", "0", false
End If
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_ausers", Application(strC & "ShowActiveUsers"), false

' Private Messages
If Application(strC & "PMESSAGES") <> 0 and objData.GetSessionVal("UID") <> "" then
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_pmessages", "-1", false
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_nmessages", objData.NewPMessageCount(objData.GetSessionVal("UI D")), false
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_pmessages", "0", false
End If

'Get Categories
if request.querystring("cat") = "" then
iCatID = -1
iCatID = clng(request.querystring("cat"))
End If
arCats = objData.GetCats(iCatID)
if not isArray(arCats) then
' No cats Found
if request.querystring("cat") <> "" then
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "ptitle", arCats(1,0), false
End IF

for intCats = 0 to UBound(arCats,2)
if (objData.GetSessionVal("LoggedOnGrp") AND arCats(3,intCats)) OR NOT arCats(4,intCats) then ' Can we see it
set oNode = AddXMLNode(oXML, rNode, "f_cat", "", false)
AddXMLAttrib oNode, "id", arCats(0,intCats)
AddXMLAttrib oNode, "homepage", cbool(arCats(2,intCats))
AddXMLNode oXML, oNode, "c_name", arCats(1,intCats), false

set oNode = AddXMLNode(oXML, oNode, "forums", "", false)

' Get Forums For this category
arForums = objData.getForums(arCats(0,intCats))
if not IsArray(arForums) then
' no Forums Found
for intForums = 0 to ubound(arForums,2)
if (objData.GetSessionVal("LoggedOnGrp") AND arForums(7, intForums)) OR NOT arForums(14, intForums) then
set nNode = AddXMLNode(oXML, oNode, "forum", "", false)
if arForums(16, intForums) > 0 then ' Subforums
set subForum = AddXMLNode(oXML, nNode, "subforum", "", false)
arSubForums = objData.GetSubforums(arForums(0, intForums))
for intSForum = 0 to ubound(arSubForums,2)
set sNode = AddXMLNode(oXML, subForum, "sforum", "", false)
AddXMLAttrib sNode, "id", arSubForums(0, intSForum )
AddXMLAttrib sNode, "title", arSubForums(3, intSForum)
End If
AddXMLAttrib nNode, "id", arForums(0, intForums)
AddXMLAttrib nNode, "islink", cbool(arForums(10, intForums))
AddXMLAttrib nNode, "link", arForums(9, intForums)

' What folder do we show for the forum.
isLocked = cbool(arForums(8, intForums))

LastPostDate = arForums(5, intForums)
if datediff("n", objData.GetSessionVal("LoggedOnLDate"), LastPostDate) > 1 then
' New Posts
folder = iif(isLocked, "lockednew", "new")
folder = iif(isLocked, "locked", "old")
End If

AddXMLAttrib nNode, "folder", folder

AddXMLNode oXML, nNode, "subject", arForums(1, intForums), false
AddXMLNode oXML, nNode, "desc", arForums(2, intForums), true
AddXMLNode oXML, nNode, "topics", arForums(3, intForums), false
AddXMLNode oXML, nNode, "posts", arForums(4, intForums), false
set nNode = AddXMLNode(oXML, nNode, "lpost", FormatDate(arForums(5, intForums), "L"), false)

AddXMLAttrib nNode, "id", arForums(11, intForums)
AddXMLAttrib nNode, "name", arForums(13, intForums)
AddXMLAttrib nNode, "tid", arForums(6, intForums)
AddXMLAttrib nNode, "topic", arForums(12, intForums)
End If
End If
End If
End If

'Is show users
set auNode = AddXMLNode(oXML, rNode, "au", "0", false)
set aXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")
aXML.loadXML Application("objAUXML").xml
auNode.appendChild aXML.documentElement

If Application(strC & "sTimer") <> 0 then
eTime = GetTime()
t = eTime-sTime
t= FormatMilliseconds(t)
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "f_TTime", t, false
AddXMLNode oXML, rNode, "numq", objData.numq, false
End If

if blServerTrans then
Response.Write XMLXSLTTrans(oXML,"XSLT/" & xsltSkin & "/default.xsl")
Response.ContentType = "text/xml"
Response.Write oXML.xml
End If
sub CloseDB()
set oXML = nothing
set objData = nothing
End Sub

esto es lo q se me ve al chat no me reconoce y no ahi mamera la web es

alguien me puede ayudar guiarme en este asunto?

gracias viktor draco
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