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Antiguo 11/05/2009, 06:49
Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2005
Mensajes: 483
Antigüedad: 19 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 3
Respuesta: Crystal Reporte no muestra el último registro

Hola, gracias por responder.

El registro último registro si existe en la tabla y el Crystal no lo muestra.

Este es el código que recorre la tabla cuentacorriente y graba en la tabla auxiliar saldos.

 Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset, idcuenta As Long
 Dim saldoinicial As Double, debitos As Double, Creditos As Double
 Dim cadena As String, cuentas As Variant, I As Integer
 cadena = Empty
 If Len(TxCuentas) > 0 Then
    cuentas = Split(TxCuentas, ",")
    For I = 0 To UBound(cuentas)
        If I = 0 Then
            cadena = cadena & " idcuenta = " & cuentas(I)
            cadena = cadena & " OR idcuenta = " & cuentas(I)
        End If
    cadena = "True"
 End If
 rs.Open "SELECT * FROM cuentacorriente WHERE " & cadena & " AND fecha <= #" & Format(DTHasta, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# ORDER BY idcuenta, fecha, tipodoc, contrapartida", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
 If rs.EOF Then
  MsgBox "No existen movimientos con los datos solicitados", vbExclamation, "Atención"
  conninf.Execute ("DELETE * FROM saldos")
  Do While Not rs.EOF
   idcuenta = rs!idcuenta
   saldoinicial = 0: debitos = 0: Creditos = 0
   Do While idcuenta = rs!idcuenta
    If rs!tipodoc = 0 Then
     saldoinicial = rs!Importe
     debitos = 0: Creditos = 0
    ElseIf rs!tipodoc = 1 Or rs!tipodoc = 3 Then
     If rs!fecha < DTDesde Then
      saldoinicial = saldoinicial + rs!Importe
      debitos = debitos + rs!Importe
     End If
    ElseIf rs!tipodoc = 2 Or rs!tipodoc = 4 Then
     If rs!fecha < DTDesde Then
      saldoinicial = saldoinicial - rs!Importe
      Creditos = Creditos + rs!Importe
     End If
    End If
    If rs.EOF Then
     Exit Do
    End If
   conninf.Execute ("INSERT INTO saldos (idcuenta,saldoinicial,debitos,creditos,saldofinal) values('" & idcuenta & "','" & saldoinicial & "','" & debitos & "','" & Creditos & "','" & saldoinicial + debitos - Creditos & "')")
  TitReporte = "Lisado de Saldos"
  FoReporte.PasarParametros DTDesde, DTHasta, ""
  ArcReporte = "saldos.rpt"
 End If
Este es el código del formulario FoReporte:

Option Explicit

Private crApp As New CRAXDRT.Application
Private crReport As New CRAXDRT.Report
Private Parametro1 As Date
Private Parametro2 As Date
Private Parametro3 As String

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim crParamDefs As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinitions

    Dim crParamDef As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinition

    FoReporte.Caption = TitReporte
    Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
    Set crReport = crApp.OpenReport(App.Path & "\" & ArcReporte, 1)
    ' Parametros del reporte
    Set crParamDefs = crReport.ParameterFields
    For Each crParamDef In crParamDefs
        Select Case crParamDef.ParameterFieldName
            Case "parametro1"
                crParamDef.AddDefaultValue (Parametro1)
            Case "parametro2"
                crParamDef.AddDefaultValue (Parametro2)
            Case "parametro3"
                crParamDef.AddDefaultValue (Parametro3)
        End Select
    CRViewer.ReportSource = crReport
    CRViewer.DisplayGroupTree = False
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
    Set crParamDefs = Nothing

    Set crParamDef = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
    CRViewer.Top = 0
    CRViewer.Left = 0
    CRViewer.Height = ScaleHeight
    CRViewer.Width = ScaleWidth
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Set crReport = Nothing
    Set crApp = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub PasarParametros(sParam1 As Date, lParam2 As Date, lParam3 As String)
    Parametro1 = sParam1
    Parametro2 = lParam2
    Parametro3 = lParam3
End Sub
Gracias y saludos