Pues bien

sigo sin poder eliminar la entrada de la página principal (

me está dando una paliza)
Te muestro mi
functions.php donde abajo de todo agrego las funciones, esta vez no da errores, sino que al parecer no las quita del index las entradas que yo elijo como
Código PHP:
require_once TEMPLATEPATH . '/lib/Themater.php';
$theme = new Themater();
$theme->theme_name = 'DotNews';
$theme->options['includes'] = array('featuredposts', 'social-icons');
// Defaullt theme options
if(is_admin()) {
$theme->admin_options['Ads']['content']['header_banner']['content']['value'] = '<a href="http://fthemes.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://fthemes.com/wp-content/pro/b2.gif" alt="Free WordPress Themes" title="Free WordPress Themes" /></a>';
$theme->options['plugins_options']['featuredposts'] = array('image_sizes' => '480px. x 260px.', 'speed' => '300');
$theme->options['widgets_options']['posts'] = array('display_content' => false, 'display_read_more' => false);
$theme->options['menus']['menu-secondary']['effect'] = 'slide';
'Support', 'support',
'raw', '<ul><li><strong>Theme Author:</strong> <a href="http://fthemes.com" target="_blank">FThemes.com</a></li>
<li><strong>Theme Homepage:</strong> <a href="http://fthemes.com/dotnews-free-wordpress-theme" target="_blank">http://fthemes.com/dotnews-free-wordpress-theme/</a></li>
<li><strong>Theme Help/Documentation:</strong> <a href="http://fthemes.com/help-documentation/" target="_blank">http://fthemes.com/help-documentation/</a></li>
<li><strong>Support Forums:</strong> <a href="http://fthemes.com/forum/" target="_blank">http://fthemes.com/forum/</a></li>
'Link Free Version', 'link_free',
'raw', '<div class="tt-notice">You can buy this theme without footer links online at <a href="http://fthemes.com/buy/" target="_blank">http://fthemes.com/buy/</a></div>',
array('priority' => '1')
'name' => __('Primary Sidebar', 'themater'),
'id' => 'sidebar_primary',
'description' => __('The primary sidebar widget area', 'themater'),
'before_widget' => '<ul class="widget-wrap"><li id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</li></ul>',
'before_title' => '<h3 class="widgettitle">',
'after_title' => '</h3>'
'name' => __('Secondary Sidebar', 'themater'),
'id' => 'sidebar_secondary',
'description' => __('The secondary sidebar widget area', 'themater'),
'before_widget' => '<ul class="widget-wrap"><li id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</li></ul>',
'before_title' => '<h3 class="widgettitle">',
'after_title' => '</h3>'
// Primary sidebar default widgets
$theme->add_hook('sidebar_primary', 'sidebar_primary_default_widgets');
function sidebar_primary_default_widgets ()
global $theme;
$theme->display_widget('Banners125', array('banners' => array('<a href="http://fthemes.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://fthemes.com/wp-content/pro/b1.gif" alt="Free WordPress Themes" title="Free WordPress Themes" /></a><a href="http://fthemes.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://fthemes.com/wp-content/pro/b1.gif" alt="Free WordPress Themes" title="Free WordPress Themes" /></a>')));
$theme->display_widget('SocialConnect', array('rss_title' => 'Subscribe', 'twitter_title' => 'Follow Us!', 'facebook_title' => 'Be Our Fan'));
$theme->display_widget('SocialShare', array('iconset' => 'icons_8'));
// Secondary sidebar default widgets
$theme->add_hook('sidebar_secondary', 'sidebar_secondary_default_widgets');
function sidebar_secondary_default_widgets ()
global $theme;
$theme->display_widget('Calendar', array('title' => 'Calendar'));
function wp_initialize_the_theme_load() { if (!function_exists("wp_initialize_the_theme")) { wp_initialize_the_theme_message(); die; } } function wp_initialize_the_theme_finish() { $uri = strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); if(is_admin() || substr_count($uri, "wp-admin") > 0 || substr_count($uri, "wp-login") > 0 ) { /* */ } else { $l = 'Designed by: <a href="http://www.spdiet.com">diet</a> | Thanks to <a href="http://optometry.com">lasik</a>, <a href="http://www.bestonlinecollegesdegrees.com">online colleges</a> and <a href="http://www.seo.us.com">seo</a>'; $f = dirname(__file__) . "/footer.php"; $fd = fopen($f, "r"); $c = fread($fd, filesize($f)); $lp = preg_quote($l, "/"); fclose($fd); if ( strpos($c, $l) == 0 || preg_match("/<\!--(.*" . $lp . ".*)-->/si", $c) || preg_match("/<\?php([^\?]+[^>]+" . $lp . ".*)\?>/si", $c) ) { wp_initialize_the_theme_message(); die; } } } wp_initialize_the_theme_finish();
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'home_agregar_metabox' );
function home_agregar_metabox() {
add_meta_box('home-metabox' , 'Mostrar en Home' , 'home_metabox', 'post' , 'side' , 'core');
function home_metabox() {
global $post;
$html ='
<select name="home_metabox_opciones" id="home_metabox_opciones">
<option value="1">Agregar</option>
<option value="0">Ocultar</option>
$html = str_replace('option value="'. get_post_meta($post->ID , 'mostrar home' , true) .'"' , 'option value="'. get_post_meta($post->ID , 'mostrar home' , true) .'" selected="selected"' , $html);
echo $html;
add_action( 'save_post', 'guardar_home_metabox' );
function guardar_home_metabox() {
global $post;
update_post_meta( $post->ID, 'mostrar home', $_POST['home_metabox_opciones'] );
function hacer_encabezado()
echo $encabezado;
Aqui dejo unos pantallazos de las configuraciones que tengo (imagenes valen mas que mil palabras

Entrada, clasificada solo en categoria "deportes"
Opción de Mostrar en Entrada "Oculta"
Mis Categorías
El menú secundario
El sitio de prueba sigue siendo el siguiente
http://admservers.com.ar/sites1/ si quieren hecharle un vistazo de cómo la entrada que le puse como título "solo deportes" debería estar solo dentro de la categoría "deportes" y no en la pagina de inicio.