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Carrito de la compra incompleto

Estas en el tema de Carrito de la compra incompleto en el foro de ASP Clásico en Foros del Web. hola, estoy montando una pequeña tienda con asp y sin DB (solo tiene 7 productos), he adaptado un carrito de la compra muy majo, y ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/01/2007, 12:46
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2005
Mensajes: 202
Antigüedad: 18 años, 8 meses
Puntos: 0
Sonrisa Carrito de la compra incompleto

estoy montando una pequeña tienda con asp y sin DB (solo tiene 7 productos), he adaptado un carrito de la compra muy majo, y funciona bien, hace todas las funciones de añadir producto, eliminarlo, etc. todo en la misma pàgina asp.

el problema es que no esta completo y falta el paso final que es añadir los datos personales del comprador y enviar la info del pedido y los datos del comprador a un e.mail determinado.

alguien podria ayudarme.

Incluyo el codigo

<% ' ***** Begin the functions to be called by the runtime script *****
' To find the actual runtime code scroll WAY DOWN....

' This function is written to enable the adding of multiples of an item
' but this sample always just adds one. If you wish to add different
' quantities simply replace the value of the Querystring parameter count.
' We didn't do this because we wanted to keep the whole thing simple and
' not get into using forms so it stayed relatively readable.
Sub AddItemToCart(iItemID, iItemCount)
If dictCart.Exists(iItemID) Then
dictCart(iItemID) = dictCart(iItemID) + iItemCount
dictCart.Add iItemID, iItemCount
End If
Response.Write iItemCount & " de " & iItemID & " afegit correctament.<BR><BR>" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Sub RemoveItemFromCart(iItemID, iItemCount)
If dictCart.Exists(iItemID) Then
If dictCart(iItemID) <= iItemCount Then
dictCart.Remove iItemID
dictCart(iItemID) = dictCart(iItemID) - iItemCount
End If
Response.Write iItemCount & " de " & iItemID & " eliminat correctament.<BR><BR>" & vbCrLf
Response.Write "Couldn't find any of that item your cart.<BR><BR>" & vbCrLf
End If
End Sub

Sub ShowItemsInCart()
Dim Key
Dim aParameters ' as Variant (Array)
Dim sTotal, sShipping

<link href="../ssts.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<TABLE Border=0 CellPadding=3 CellSpacing=1>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Item</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Descripci&oacute;n</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Precio</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Total</TD>
sTotal = 0
For Each Key in dictCart
aParameters = GetItemParameters(Key)
<TD ALIGN="Center"><%= Key %></TD>
<TD ALIGN="Left"><%= aParameters(1) %></TD>
<TD ALIGN="Center"><%= dictCart(Key) %></TD>
<TD ALIGN="Left"></A>&nbsp;<A HREF="./shopping.asp?action=del&item=<%= Key %>&count=<%= dictCart(Key) %>">Eliminar </A></TD>
<TD ALIGN="Right"><%= aParameters(2) %> &euro;</TD>
<TD ALIGN="Right"><%= FormatNumber(dictCart(Key) * CSng(aParameters(2)),2) %> &euro;</TD>
sTotal = sTotal + (dictCart(Key) * CSng(aParameters(2)))

'Calculate shipping - you might want to pull this out into a function if your shipping
' calculations are more complicated then ours. ;)
If sTotal <> 0 Then
sShipping = 8.5
sShipping = 0
End If
sTotal = sTotal + sShipping
<TD COLSPAN=5 ALIGN="Right"><B>Transporte :</B></TD>
<TD ALIGN="Right"><%= FormatNumber(sShipping,2) %> &euro;</TD>
<TD COLSPAN=5 ALIGN="Right"><B>Total :</B></TD>
<TD ALIGN="Right"><%= FormatNumber(sTotal,2) %> &euro;</TD>
End Sub

Sub ShowFullCatalog()
Dim aParameters ' as Variant (Array)
Dim I
Dim iItemCount ' Number of items we sell
' If you are really going to use this sample this should probably be pulled from a DB
iItemCount = 7
<link href="../ssts.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<TABLE Border=0 CellPadding=3 CellSpacing=1>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Imagen</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Descripci&oacute;n</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Precio</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">A&ntilde;adir</TD>
For I = 1 to iItemCount
aParameters = GetItemParameters(I)
<TD><IMG SRC="<%= aParameters(0) %>"></TD>
<TD><%= aParameters(1) %></TD>
<TD><%= aParameters(2) %> &euro;</TD>
<TD><A HREF="./productos.asp?action=add&item=<%= I %>&count=1">Comprar</A></TD>
Next 'I
End Sub

Sub PlaceOrder()
Dim Key
Dim aParameters ' as Variant (Array)
Dim sTotal, sShipping

<link href="../ssts.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<TABLE Border=0 CellPadding=3 CellSpacing=1>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Item</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Descripci&oacute;n</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">N&ordm;</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Precio</TD>
<TD bgcolor="#FFFFCC">Total</TD>
sTotal = 0
For Each Key in dictCart
aParameters = GetItemParameters(Key)
<TD ALIGN="Center"><%= Key %></TD>
<TD ALIGN="Left"><%= aParameters(1) %></TD>
<TD ALIGN="Center"><%= dictCart(Key) %></TD>
<TD ALIGN="Right"><%= aParameters(2) %> &euro;</TD>
<TD ALIGN="Right"><%= FormatNumber(dictCart(Key) * CSng(aParameters(2)),2) %> &euro;</TD>
sTotal = sTotal + (dictCart(Key) * CSng(aParameters(2)))

'Calculate shipping - you might want to pull this out into a function if your shipping
' calculations are more complicated then ours. ;)
If sTotal <> 0 Then
sShipping = 7.5
sShipping = 0
End If
sTotal = sTotal + sShipping
<TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN="Right"><B>Transporte :</B></TD>
<TD ALIGN="Right"><%= FormatNumber(sShipping,2) %> &euro;</TD>
<TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN="Right"><B>Total :</B></TD>
<TD ALIGN="Right"><%= FormatNumber(sTotal,2) %> &euro;</TD>
End Sub

' We implemented this this way so if you attach it to a database you'd only need one call per item
Function GetItemParameters(iItemID)
Dim aParameters ' Will contain 3 string values : image path, description, price
' However we need to keep price so it can be converted to a
' single for computation hence no currency symbol. This array
' can also be expanded to contain any other information about the
' product that you might want to pull from the DB.
Select Case iItemID
Case 1
aParameters = Array("../img/envases/vidrio15.jpg", "Botella 1/4 litre, vidre", "5,00")
Case 2
aParameters = Array("../img/envases/vidrio30.jpg", "Botella 1/2 litre, vidre", "17,50")
Case 3
aParameters = Array("../img/envases/vidrio45.jpg", "Botella 3/4 litre, vidre", "35,00")
Case 4
aParameters = Array("../img/envases/vidrio5l.jpg", "Botella 5 litres, vidre", "5,00")
Case 5
aParameters = Array("../img/envases/plastic2l.jpg", "Botella 2 litres, plastic", "5,00")
Case 6
aParameters = Array("../img/envases/plastic5l.jpg", "Botella 5 litres, plastic", "5,00")
Case 7
aParameters = Array("../img/envases/caixa_regal.jpg", "Caixa regal, 2 botelles 1/2 litre, vidre", "5,00")
End Select
' Return array containing product info.
GetItemParameters = aParameters
End Function

<% ' ***** Begin the infamous runtime script *****
' Declare our Vars
Dim dictCart ' as dictionary
Dim sAction ' as string
Dim iItemID ' as integer
Dim iItemCount ' as integer

' Get a reference to the cart if it exists otherwise create it
If IsObject(Session("cart")) Then
Set dictCart = Session("cart")
' We use a dictionary so we can name our keys to correspond to our
' item numbers and then use their value to hold the quantity. An
' array would also work, but would be a little more complex and
' probably not as easy for readers to follow.
Set dictCart = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End If

' Get all the parameters passed to the script
sAction = CStr(Request.QueryString("action"))
iItemID = CInt(Request.QueryString("item"))
iItemCount = CInt(Request.QueryString("count"))
<link href="../ssts.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
' Select action based on user input
Select Case sAction
Case "add"
AddItemToCart iItemID, iItemCount
<TR><TD ALIGN="right">
<A HREF="./productos.asp?action="><IMG SRC="../carrito/volver.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=20 ALT="Continuar Comprando"></A>
<A HREF="./productos.asp?action=checkout"><IMG SRC="../carrito/pagar.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=20 ALT="Checkout"></A><BR>
Case "del"
RemoveItemFromCart iItemID, iItemCount
<TR><TD ALIGN="right">
<A HREF="./productos.asp?action="><IMG SRC="../carrito/volver.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=20 ALT="Continuar Comprando"></A>
<A HREF="./productos.asp?action=checkout"><IMG SRC="../carrito/pagar.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=20 ALT="Checkout"></A><BR>
Case "viewcart"
<TR><TD ALIGN="right">
<A HREF="./productos.asp?action="><IMG SRC="../carrito/volver.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=20 ALT="Continuar Comprando"></A>
<A HREF="./productos.asp?action=checkout"><IMG SRC="../carrito/pagar.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=20 ALT="Checkout"></A><BR>
Case "checkout"
<TR><TD ALIGN="left">
Gracias por su compra</p>
<p><br />
Case Else ' Shop
<TR><TD ALIGN="right">
<A HREF="./productos.asp?action=viewcart"><IMG SRC="../carrito/ver_carrito_cast.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=20 ALT="Ver Carrito"></A>
End Select

' Return cart to Session for storage
Set Session("cart") = dictCart
  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 24/01/2007, 11:41
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2005
Mensajes: 202
Antigüedad: 18 años, 8 meses
Puntos: 0
Re: Carrito de la compra incompleto

Me contesto yo mismo, comprendo que es un coñazo probar el carrito, etc.
de todas maneras, por si a alguien le puede servir, ahi lo tiene...

como me lo he hecho?
he enviado los parametros de la compra a otra página, que he llamado envio.asp los recojo dentro de un formulario como campos ocultos y los envio por e.mail al destinatario. ecualecua !!!

claro que se podria mejorar, ya que los datos no se reciben formateados...
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