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Como crear DLL que suba y baje archivos

Estas en el tema de Como crear DLL que suba y baje archivos en el foro de ASP Clásico en Foros del Web. Hola bueno para los que deseen aprender o los que saben crear controles ActiveX ...aqui les dejo el codigo en visualBasic para crear una DLL ...
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 04/06/2002, 13:01
Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2002
Mensajes: 83
Antigüedad: 22 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 0
Como crear DLL que suba y baje archivos

bueno para los que deseen aprender o los que saben crear
controles ActiveX ...aqui les dejo el codigo en visualBasic
para crear una DLL que permite subir archivos a un servidor y tambien
permite bajar archivos del servidor...

bueno esta dll tiene dos clases subir.cls y bajar.cls
primero deben abrir el visual basic y crear un nuevo proyecto del tipo DLL activeX
luego ir a el menu Proyecto->Referencia y deben agregar en referencia..."Microsoft Active Server Pages Object Library"
ok...crearemos las clases


Option Explicit

Private MyScriptingContext As ScriptingContext
Private MyRequest As Request
Private MyResponse As Response
Private MyServer As Server

Private lngFieldCount As Long
Private allFieldValuex() As Variant
Private allFieldNamex() As String
Private allFieldSizex() As Long
Private allFileNamex() As String
Private lngOverWritex As Integer
Private lngMaxSizex As Long
Private varPathx As String
Private lngUpToFile As Long
Private strNFN As String

Private Const FILE_EXISTS As Long = vbObjectError + 101
Private Const FILE_EMPTY As Long = vbObjectError + 102
Private Const FILENAME_EMPTY As Long = vbObjectError + 103
Private Const FILESIZE_GO_BEYOND As Long = vbObjectError + 104
Private Const FILE_TOTAL_COUNT_BEYOND As Long = vbObjectError + 105
Private Const FIELDNAME_EMPTY As Long = vbObjectError + 106
Private Const NO_FILE_UPLOAD As Long = vbObjectError + 107
Private Const PATH_NAME_ERR As Long = vbObjectError + 108

Public Sub OnStartPage(PassedScriptingcontext As ScriptingContext)
Set MyScriptingContext = PassedScriptingcontext
Set MyRequest = MyScriptingContext.Request
Set MyServer = MyScriptingContext.Server
Set MyResponse = MyScriptingContext.Response

End Sub
Public Sub OnEndPage()
Set MyScriptingContext = Nothing
Set MyRequest = Nothing
Set MyServer = Nothing
Set MyResponse = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Let UpToFile(ByVal lngReal As Long)
lngUpToFile = 1
If CLng(lngReal) = 2 Then lngUpToFile = 2
End Property
Public Property Let NewFileName(ByVal strNewFileName As String)
strNFN = ""
If strNewFileName <> "" Then strNFN = strNewFileName

End Property
Public Function Subir(Optional ByVal lngMaxSize As Long, Optional ByVal ServerPath As String, Optional ByVal lngOverWrite As Integer) As String
On Error GoTo error_occurs
Dim i As Long
Dim Pos As Long
Dim lngTotalSize As Long
Dim lngFormCount As Long
Dim varFormType As String
Dim varHeaderValue As Variant
Dim varBoundary As Variant
Dim lngFormHeadStart As Long
Dim lngFormHeadEnd As Long
Dim lngOffSet As Long
Dim lngFieldNameStart As Long
Dim lngFieldNameEnd As Long
Dim varFieldName As String
Dim lngFileNameStart As Long
Dim lngFileNameEnd As Long
Dim varFileName As String
Dim lngFileValueStart As Long
Dim lngFileValueEnd As Long
Dim lngFileValueLength As Long
Dim varFileValue() As Byte
Dim lngBoundaryEnd As Long
Dim Just As Boolean
Dim tmpFileName As Variant
Dim varFieldValue As String
Dim lngFieldValueStart As Long
Dim lngFieldValueEnd As Long
Dim lngFieldValueLength As Long
Dim tmpHeaderValue As Variant
Dim allFieldValue() As Variant
Dim allFieldName() As String
Dim allFieldSize() As Long
Dim allFileName() As String
Dim ErrJust As Long
ErrJust = 0
If lngMaxSizex <> 0 Then
lngMaxSize = lngMaxSizex
If lngMaxSize = 0 Then lngMaxSize = 100000
End If
If lngOverWritex <> 0 Then
lngOverWrite = lngOverWritex
If lngOverWrite = 0 Then lngOverWrite = 1
End If
If Len(varPathx) > 2 Then
ServerPath = varPathx
If Len(ServerPath) < 2 Then ServerPath = "c:\"
End If
If InStr(ServerPath, ":") = 0 Then
ErrJust = 1
End If
lngTotalSize = MyRequest.TotalBytes
varHeaderValue = MyRequest.BinaryRead(lngTotalSize)
lngBoundaryEnd = InStrB(1, varHeaderValue, StoB(vbCrLf)) + 1
varBoundary = LeftB(varHeaderValue, lngBoundaryEnd)
tmpHeaderValue = StrConv(varHeaderValue, vbUnicode)
lngFormCount = Len(tmpHeaderValue) - Len(Replace(tmpHeaderValue, "; name=", Mid("; name=", 2)))
lngFieldCount = lngFormCount
ReDim Preserve allFieldName(lngFormCount)
ReDim Preserve allFieldValue(lngFormCount)
ReDim Preserve allFieldSize(lngFormCount)
ReDim Preserve allFileName(lngFormCount)
If lngFormCount > 255 Then
ErrJust = 2
End If
If lngFormCount = 0 Then
ErrJust = 3
End If
lngOffSet = lngBoundaryEnd
For i = 0 To lngFormCount - 1
lngFieldNameStart = InStrB(lngOffSet, varHeaderValue, StoB("; name=") & ChrB(34))
lngFieldNameEnd = InStrB(lngFieldNameStart + LenB(StoB("; name=") & ChrB(34)), varHeaderValue, ChrB(34)) + LenB(ChrB(34))
varFieldName = BtoS(MidB(varHeaderValue, lngFieldNameStart, lngFieldNameEnd - lngFieldNameStart))
varFieldName = Replace(varFieldName, "; name=", vbNullString)
varFieldName = Replace(varFieldName, Chr(34), vbNullString)
tmpFileName = MidB(varHeaderValue, lngFieldNameEnd, 15)
If InStrB(tmpFileName, StoB("; filename=")) <> 0 Then
lngFileNameStart = InStrB(lngFieldNameEnd, varHeaderValue, StoB("filename=" & Chr(34)))
lngFileNameEnd = InStrB(lngFileNameStart + LenB(StoB("filename=" & Chr(34))), varHeaderValue, ChrB(34))
varFileName = BtoS(MidB(varHeaderValue, lngFileNameStart, lngFileNameEnd - lngFileNameStart))
If lngFileNameEnd - lngFileNameStart < 2 Then
ErrJust = 4
End If
varFileName = Replace(varFileName, "filename=", vbNullString)
varFileName = Replace(varFileName, Chr(34), vbNullString)
For Pos = Len(varFileName) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(varFileName, Pos, 1) = "\" Or Mid(varFileName, Pos, 1) = ":" Then
varFileName = Mid(varFileName, Pos + 1, Len(varFileName) - Pos)
allFileName(i) = CStr(varFileName)
Exit For
End If
lngFileValueStart = InStrB(lngFileNameEnd, varHeaderValue, StoB(vbCrLf & vbCrLf)) + 4
lngFileValueEnd = InStrB(lngFileValueStart, varHeaderValue, LeftB(varBoundary, lngBoundaryEnd - 2)) - 2
lngFileValueLength = lngFileValueEnd - lngFileValueStart
If lngFileValueLength < 2 Then
ErrJust = 5
End If
varFileValue = MidB(varHeaderValue, lngFileValueStart, lngFileValueLength)
If lngFileValueLength > lngMaxSize Then
ErrJust = 6
varFileValue = ""
End If
allFieldName(i) = CStr(varFieldName)
allFieldSize(i) = CLng(lngFileValueLength)
allFieldValue(i) = CVar(varFileValue)
If lngUpToFile <> 2 Then
Just = SaveFile(ServerPath, CStr(varFileName), varFileValue, lngOverWrite)
If Just = False Then
ErrJust = 7
End If
End If
lngOffSet = lngFileValueEnd + lngBoundaryEnd - 2
lngFieldValueStart = lngFieldNameEnd + 4
lngFieldValueEnd = InStrB(lngFieldValueStart, varHeaderValue, LeftB(varBoundary, lngBoundaryEnd - 2)) - 2
lngFieldValueLength = lngFieldValueEnd - lngFieldValueStart
varFieldValue = BtoS(MidB(varHeaderValue, lngFieldValueStart, lngFieldValueLength))
allFieldName(i) = CStr(varFieldName)
allFieldSize(i) = CLng(lngFieldValueLength)
allFieldValue(i) = CVar(varFieldValue)
allFileName(i) = ""
lngOffSet = lngFieldValueEnd + lngBoundaryEnd - 2
End If
allFieldNamex = allFieldName()
allFieldSizex = allFieldSize()
allFieldValuex = allFieldValue()
allFileNamex = allFileName()
Select Case ErrJust
Case 1
Case 4
Case 5
Case 6
End Select

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Select Case Err.Number
Subir = "Este Archivo ya existe."
Exit Function
Subir = "Este Archivo [" & varFieldName & "] esta vacio.)"
Exit Function
Subir = "El tamaño del Archivo [" & varFileName & "] es muy grande."
Exit Function
Subir = "El ,N°." & i & " esta vacio.)"
Exit Function
Subir = "Advertencia: El contenido de este Archivo esta vacio."
Exit Function
Subir = "El contador de Archivos no debe superar los 255."
Exit Function
Subir = "No has seleccionado el Archivo que subiras."
Exit Function
Subir = "El directorio o carpeta no existe."
Exit Function
Case Else
Subir = Err.Description

Exit Function
End Select
Subir = "Transferencia Exitosa..."
End If
End Function
Public Property Get count() As Variant
count = lngFieldCount
End Property
Public Property Let MaxSize(ByVal lngNewMaxSize As Long)
If IsNumeric(lngNewMaxSize) Then
lngMaxSizex = lngNewMaxSize
lngMaxSizex = 0
End If
End Property
Public Property Let Path(ByVal varNewPath As String)
If Mid(varNewPath, 2, 1) = ":" Then
varPathx = varNewPath
varPathx = ""
End If
End Property
Public Property Let OverWrite(ByVal lngNewOverWrite As Integer)
If IsNumeric(lngNewOverWrite) And lngNewOverWrite > 0 And lngNewOverWrite < 3 Then
lngOverWritex = lngNewOverWrite
lngOverWritex = 0
End If
End Property
Public Function FileName(varformname As String) As String
Dim i As Long
FileName = ""
For i = 0 To lngFieldCount - 1
If allFieldNamex(i) = varformname Then
FileName = allFileNamex(i)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Public Function Size(varformname As String) As Long
Dim i As Long
Size = 0
For i = 0 To lngFieldCount - 1
If allFieldNamex(i) = varformname Then
Size = allFieldSizex(i)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Public Function Form(varformname As String) As Variant
Dim i As Long
Form = ""
For i = 0 To lngFieldCount - 1
If allFieldNamex(i) = varformname Then
Form = allFieldValuex(i)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Function SaveFile(SPath As String, FileName As String, FileValue() As Byte, lngOverWrite As Integer) As Boolean
Dim RPath As String
Dim fs
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot ;)
If strNFN <> "" Then
FileName = strNFN
End If
If Right(SPath, 1) <> "\" Then SPath = SPath & "\"
RPath = SPath & FileName
If fs.FileExists(RPath) And lngOverWrite <> 2 Then
SaveFile = False
Open RPath For Binary As #1
Put #1, , FileValue
Close #1
SaveFile = True
End If
End Function
Private Function BtoS(binstr As Variant) As String
Dim lnglen As Long
Dim tmpBin As Variant
Dim strC As String
Dim skipflag As Long
Dim i As Long
skipflag = 0
strC = ""
If Not IsNull(binstr) Then
lnglen = LenB(binstr)
For i = 1 To lnglen
If skipflag = 0 Then
tmpBin = MidB(binstr, i, 1)
If AscB(tmpBin) > 127 Then
strC = strC & Chr(AscW(MidB(binstr, i + 1, 1) & tmpBin))
skipflag = 1
strC = strC & Chr(AscB(tmpBin))
End If
skipflag = 0
End If
End If
BtoS = strC
End Function
Private Function StoB(varstr As String) As Variant
Dim str2bin As Variant
Dim varchar As Variant
Dim varasc As Long
Dim varlow, varhigh
Dim i As Long
str2bin = ""
For i = 1 To Len(varstr)
varchar = Mid(varstr, i, 1)
varasc = Asc(varchar)
If varasc < 0 Then
varasc = varasc + 65535
End If
If varasc > 255 Then
varlow = Left(Hex(Asc(varchar)), 2)
varhigh = Right(Hex(Asc(varchar)), 2)
str2bin = str2bin & ChrB("&H" & varlow) & ChrB("&H" & varhigh)
str2bin = str2bin & ChrB(AscB(varchar))
End If
StoB = str2bin
End Function

****la clase bajar.cls**********

Option Explicit

Private MyScriptingContext As ScriptingContext
Private MyRequest As Request
Private MyResponse As Response
Private blnHandleMIME As Boolean
Private blnDownload As Boolean

Public Property Let MIMEType(sMimes As Boolean)
blnHandleMIME = sMimes
End Property

Public Property Let Download(sDownload As Boolean)
blnDownload = sDownload
End Property

Public Sub OnStartPage(PassedScriptingcontext As ScriptingContext)
Set MyScriptingContext = PassedScriptingcontext
Set MyRequest = MyScriptingContext.Request
Set MyResponse = MyScriptingContext.Response
End Sub

Public Sub Bajar(strFileName As Variant, strPathInfo As Variant)
Dim SourceNum As Integer
Dim SourceSize As Long
Dim binArray() As Byte
Dim SourceFile As String
Dim varByteCount As Variant
Dim i As Long

If Mid(strPathInfo, 1, Len(strPathInfo)) <> "\" Then
strPathInfo = strPathInfo & "\"
End If
SourceFile = strPathInfo & strFileName

SourceNum = FreeFile
Open SourceFile For Binary Access Read As SourceNum
varByteCount = LOF(SourceNum)
If varByteCount = 0 Then
MyResponse.ContentType = "text/html"
MyResponse.Write "Error en bajada de archivo"
ReDim binArray(varByteCount)
For i = 0 To varByteCount - 1
Get SourceNum, , binArray(i)
Next i
MyResponse.AddHeader "Connection", "keep-alive"
If blnDownload = True Then
MyResponse.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & strFileName
End If
MyResponse.ContentType = GetMIMEType(FindExtension(strFileName))
MyResponse.AddHeader "Content-Length", varByteCount - 1
MyResponse.BinaryWrite (binArray)
End If
Close SourceNum
End Sub

Private Function FindExtension(strFileName) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim tempExt As String
Dim blnExt As Boolean
blnExt = False
For i = 1 To Len(strFileName)
If blnExt = True Then
tempExt = tempExt & Mid(strFileName, i, 1)
End If
If Mid(strFileName, i, 1) = "." Then
blnExt = True
End If
Next i
If Trim(tempExt) = "" Then
tempExt = "."
End If
FindExtension = tempExt
End Function

Private Function GetMIMEType(strExtension) As String
If blnHandleMIME = True Then
Select Case LCase(strExtension)
Case "txt"
GetMIMEType = "text/plain"
Case "html", "htm"
GetMIMEType = "text/html"
Case "xml"
GetMIMEType = "text/xml"
Case "jpg", "jpeg"
GetMIMEType = "image/jpeg"
Case "gif"
GetMIMEType = "image/gif"
Case "doc"
GetMIMEType = "application/msword"
Case "pdf"
GetMIMEType = "application/pdf"
Case "exe"
GetMIMEType = "application/x-msdownload"
Case Else
GetMIMEType = "binary/octet-stream"
End Select
GetMIMEType = "application/unknown"
End If
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
If IsEmpty(blnHandleMIME) = True Then
blnHandleMIME = True
End If
If IsEmpty(blnDownload) = True Then
blnDownload = False
End If
End Sub


Compilamos nuestro proyecto y generamos la DLL
si es necesario registramos la DLL
regsvr32 midll.dll
y ya....vamos a la pagina ASP


Func = Request("Func")
if isempty(Func) Then
Func = 1
End if
Select Case Func
Case 1 %>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

<body bgcolor="#003457" text="#000000">

<FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="Upload.asp?func=2"
METHOD=post name=form>

<TABLE align="center" border="0" bordercolor="#006699" cellpadding="2" width="287" bordercolorlight="#FFFFFF" bordercolordark="#003457" bgcolor="#336699" style="border-style: solid; border-color: #006699">
<TD bgcolor="#234E6F" width="271" valign="middle" align="center">
<p align="center"><STRONG><b&gt ;<font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Arial">Nombre del
<TD bgcolor="#234E6F" width="271" valign="middle" align="center"> <font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">
<INPUT NAME="fichero" SIZE=30 TYPE=file>
<TD align=center bgcolor="#234E6F" valign="middle" width="271">
<p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">
<INPUT type="submit" value="Subir">

Case 2

Dim up,Down,Resultado

Set UP = Server.CreateObject("Effry.Subir")
'----> subir("Tamaño Max","Dir","[0]escritura[2]sobreescribir")
Resultado = UP.Subir("5242880",server.MapPath(" ."),"0")
Response.Write Resultado
set up= nothing

Set Down = Server.CreateObject("Effry.Bajar")
Down.Download = True
Down.MIMEType = True
'----> Bajar("Archivo","Dir")
Down.Bajar "Database to Excel.doc","c:\inetpub\wwwroot\"
Set Down = Nothing

End Select

Espero que les sirva
tanto como a mi....
gracias por su tiempo


Perdonen lo poco ;)
  #2 (permalink)  
Antiguo 04/06/2002, 17:51
Fecha de Ingreso: octubre-2000
Ubicación: Juarez, Chih.
Mensajes: 161
Antigüedad: 23 años, 8 meses
Puntos: 0
Re: Como crear DLL que suba y baje archivos

Saludos Yoston:

Ya compilé el código y trabajo muy bien.

Ahora, intentaré crear una 'barra de estado' para mostrar el avance cuando estas subiendo algún archivo.

Tienes alguna idea para esto último?
  #3 (permalink)  
Antiguo 04/06/2002, 18:30
Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2002
Mensajes: 83
Antigüedad: 22 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 0
Re: Como crear DLL que suba y baje archivos

mira eso de la barra de estado estaria buena ....pero ahora mismo se me ocurre algo asi como cargando datos...con un slayer

var W3C = document.getElementById? true : false;
var NN4 = document.layers? true : false;
var IE4 = document.all? true : false;

function display(layerName) {
if (W3C) {
document.getElementById(layerName).style.visibilit y = "visible";
else if (IE4) {
document.all[layerName].style.visibility = "visible";
else if(NN4) {
document.layers[layerName].visibility = "show";

function hide(layerName) {
if (W3C) {
document.getElementById(layerName).style.visibilit y = "hidden";
if (IE4) {
document.all[layerName].style.visibility = "hidden";
else if(NN4) {
document.layers[layerName].visibility = "hidden";

<body onload="hide('espera')">
<div id="espera" style="position:absolute; width:240px; height:91px; z-index:2; left: 300px; top: 200px; visibility: visible" >
<p align="center"><b>Subiendo Archivo...</b></div>

.... y en el Submit de la pagina upload.asp
<INPUT type="submit" value="Subir" onclick="display('espera')">

entonces mientras sube el archivo...
saldria el mensaje y cuando termine se va..

lo hice rapidamente y si funciona bien

Bueno ... tu me cuentas como va tu idea.. :cantar:
  #4 (permalink)  
Antiguo 14/06/2002, 14:30
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2001
Mensajes: 106
Antigüedad: 22 años, 9 meses
Puntos: 0
Re: Como crear DLL que suba y baje archivos

muy impresionante

  #5 (permalink)  
Antiguo 14/06/2002, 14:44
Fecha de Ingreso: noviembre-2001
Ubicación: Manta Ecuador
Mensajes: 200
Antigüedad: 22 años, 6 meses
Puntos: 0
Re: Como crear DLL que suba y baje archivos

uhhhh no entendí bien, que clase de archivos,

Funcionaría como un UPLOAD!!!

  #6 (permalink)  
Antiguo 14/06/2002, 15:50
Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2002
Ubicación: Mexico DF
Mensajes: 119
Antigüedad: 22 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 0
Re: Como crear DLL que suba y baje archivos

Bastante bueno..

  #7 (permalink)  
Antiguo 15/07/2002, 13:38
Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2002
Mensajes: 83
Antigüedad: 22 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 0
Re: Como crear DLL que suba y baje archivos

Gracias... por sus comentarios:) :) :)
Espero que lo usen y si han implementado algo avisan ;)
chausito :cantar:
  #8 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/08/2002, 21:01
Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2002
Mensajes: 83
Antigüedad: 22 años, 1 mes
Puntos: 0
Re: Como crear DLL que suba y baje archivos

Otra clase...


Public Function EjecutaConsulta(ByVal Tipo As String, ByVal senSQL As String, Optional ByVal User As String, Optional ByVal PassWord As String, Optional ByVal BaseDatos As String, Optional ByVal Servidor As String) As ADODB.Recordset
If Tipo = "Oracle" Then
cadena = "provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle; Data Source=" & Servidor & "; User Id=" & User & "; Password=" & PassWord & ";"
If Tipo = "SQL" Then
'cadena = "provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=" & Servidor & ";Database=" & BaseDatos & ";Uid=" & User & ";Pwd=" & PassWord & ";"
cadena = "driver={SQL Server};server=" & Servidor & ";database=" & BaseDatos & ";uid=" & User & ";pwd=" & PassWord & ";"
If Tipo = "ACCESS" Then
cadena = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" & BaseDatos & ";"
If Tipo = "MySQL" Then
cadena = " Driver={MySQL};SERVER=" & Servidor & ";DATABASE=" & BaseDatos & ";UID=" & User & ";PASSWORD=" & PassWord & ";"
cadena = "DSN=" & BaseDatos & "; UID=" & User & ";PWD=" & PassWord & ";"
End If
End If
End If
End If

Dim conectar As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

Set conectar = New Connection
Set rs = New Recordset

On Error GoTo ErrorCon
conectar.ConnectionTimeout = 15

conectar.Open cadena

rs.Open senSQL, conectar, 0, 1

Set EjecutaConsulta = rs

Set rs = Nothing
Set conectar = Nothing

Exit Function


Set rs = Nothing
Set conectar = Nothing

Exit Function

End Function

ejemplo .... llamada desde ASP


Dim rs,sql
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set ACC= server.CreateObject("midll.Conexion")
sql="select * from Alumno where User='"&USERNAME&"' and Password='"&PASSWORD&"'"
set rs = ACC.EjecutaConsulta("ACCESS",sql,,,Serve r.MapPath("DatosConsulta2.mdb;"))
if not rs.eof then


Dim rs,sql
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set ACC= server.CreateObject("midll.Conexion")
sql="select * from Alumno where User='"&USERNAME&"' and Password='"&PASSWORD&"'"
set rs = ACC.EjecutaConsulta("SQL",sql,UserBD,Pas sBD,Basedatos,Server)
if not rs.eof then
Dim rs,sql
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set ACC= server.CreateObject("midll.Conexion")
sql="select * from Alumno where User='"&USERNAME&"' and Password='"&PASSWORD&"'"
set rs = ACC.EjecutaConsulta("ODBC",sql,UserBD,Pa ssBD,NombreDNS)
if not rs.eof then


bueno espero que a alguien le sirva :))
  #9 (permalink)  
Antiguo 26/08/2002, 21:36
Avatar de ElAprendiz  
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2002
Ubicación: Maipu, Chile
Mensajes: 3.706
Antigüedad: 22 años, 4 meses
Puntos: 2
Re: Como crear DLL que suba y baje archivos

Yoston..o alguien que lo haya compilado podria compartir la dll. yo no tengo VB6..

me la puedes enviar a mi mail?

[email protected]


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