Resulta que he pagado una plantilla de pagina web, el problema está en el correo, tengo que meter los datos de mi correo de mi pagina web, no se si donde ponen las llaves y las entre comillas " " debo introducir los datos, mi pregunta es que datos, ¿mi direccion de correo electrónico?, ¿la dirección de la pagina web? no se como proceder, me he quedado estancado.

La formula que viene de la plantilla parece sencilla de entender, pero no me esperaba que fuera tan compleja, no se cuantas veces lo he intentado, pero lo que si sé es que me he tirado tres horas intentándolo y averiguándolo, y hasta ahora sin resultados.

Les agradecería que me echaran una mano, ya que soy un iniciado.

Asi pone la formula:
Espero que me digan lo que debo hacer.
OXYLUS Development web framework
copyright (c) 2002-2008 OXYLUS Development
mail: [email protected]
$Id: name.php,v 0.0.1 dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss oxylus Exp $
// dependencies
$url = "" .
$upload_folder_temp = "upload/tmp/";
$upload_folder_final = "upload/contact/";
$admin_notify_email = array(
"to" => "[email protected]",
"to_name" => "Admin Name",
"from" => "{EMAIL}",
"from_name" => "{NAME}",
"subject" => "You received a new contact message",
"body" => <<<EOD
<p>Put here the message body</p>
Name: {NAME}<br>
Email: {EMAIL}<br>
Attachment: {ATTACHMENT}
Message <BR>
$autoresponder_email = array(
"enable" => true,
"to" => "{EMAIL}",
"to_name" => "{NAME}",
"from" => "[email protected]",
"from_name" => "Autoresponder",
"subject" => "Thank you for contacting us",
"body" => <<<EOD
<p>Put here the message body</p>
Name: {NAME}<br>
Email: {EMAIL}<br>
Message <BR>
require_once "lib/common.php";
require_once "lib/template.php";
if (is_array($_FILES["Filedata"])) {
if (!$_FILES["Filedata"]["error"]) {
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["Filedata"]["tmp_name"] , $upload_folder_temp . "contact-" . $_FILES["Filedata"]["name"]);
$vars = array(
"name" => stripslashes($_POST["name"]),
"email" => stripslashes($_POST["e-mail"]),
"subject" => stripslashes($_POST["subject"]),
"message" => nl2br(stripslashes($_POST["mes"])),
//process the image if needed
if ($_POST["file"] != "nofile") {
//process the file
$file_name = time() . "-" . $_POST["file"];
if (file_exists($upload_folder_temp . "contact-" . $_POST["file"])) {
rename($upload_folder_temp . "contact-" . $_POST["file"] , $upload_folder_final . $file_name );
chmod($upload_folder_final . $file_name , 0777);
$vars["attachment"] = $url. $file_name;
} else
$vars["attachment"] = "none";
//process the notify email
$email = array(
"email_to" => $admin_notify_email["to"],
"email_to_name" => $admin_notify_email["to_name"],
"email_from" => $admin_notify_email["from"],
"email_from_name" => $admin_notify_email["from_name"],
"email_subject" => $admin_notify_email["subject"],
"email_body" => $admin_notify_email["body"],
"email_type" => "html"
foreach ($email as $key => $val) {
$email[$key] = CTemplateStatic::Replace($val , $vars);
//process the autoresponder email
if ($autoresponder_email["enable"] == true) {
$email = array(
"email_to" => $autoresponder_email["to"],
"email_to_name" => $autoresponder_email["to_name"],
"email_from" => $autoresponder_email["from"],
"email_from_name" => $autoresponder_email["from_name"],
"email_subject" => $autoresponder_email["subject"],
"email_body" => $autoresponder_email["body"],
"email_type" => "html"
foreach ($email as $key => $val) {
$email[$key] = CTemplateStatic::Replace($val , $vars);
echo "status=ok";
echo "status=false";