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<? include "include/conexionifx.php"; $query = " select t02id,c06_desc,c04_cia,t01_marca,t01_modelo,c05_plancia, t01_serie,t01_numcel,t02_usu,t02_nombre,t02_puesto, t02_ctocosto,t02_fasig,t02_origen,t94_fechaini, t94_fechafin, t02_fbaja from t02telusu,t01telefono, C06PLAZAS, c05planes, c04ciatel, t94_vadendum where t01ID = t02_tel and t01_plaza = c06id and t02_plan = c05id and t01_cia = c04id and (t02_ctocosto in ('508','509','516','638') or t02_ctocosto matches '*9999*' or t02_ctocosto matches '*8888*') AND t02_status = 'A' and t01_numcel = t94_telefono ORDER BY t02id "; //echo $query; $result=ifx_prepare($query,$conecta,IFX_SCROLL); ifx_do($result); ?>
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